
Material calendar view for React-native

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A simple material calendar for react native android

Installation Android

  • npm i --save react-native-material-calendarview

  • In android/settings.gradle

    include ':ReactMaterialCalendarView', ':app'
    project(':ReactMaterialCalendarView').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-material-calendarview/app')
  • In android/app/build.gradle

    dependencies {
        compile project(':ReactMaterialCalendarView')
  • Register module (in

    import com.nucllear.rn_materialcalendarview.ReactMaterialCalendarViewPackage; // <----- import package
    public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
        protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
          return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
            new MainReactPackage(),
            new ReactMaterialCalendarViewPackage() // <------ add package here


import Calendar from 'react-native-material-calendarview';

  render() {
    return (
        style={{alignSelf: 'center'}}
        eventsDates={["2016/11/20", "2016/11/29"]}
        onDateChange={data => {
        onMonthChange={month => {


  • Size

    • Integer width (required) Provide the width of the calendar.

    • Integer height Provide the height. Default will be calculated based on width and topbarVisible.

    • Integer tileWidth Provide the width of one day tile. Set width in DP.

    • Integer tileHeight Provide the height of one day tile. Set height in DP.

    • Integer tileSize Provide the size (width and height) of one day tile. Set size id DP.

  • Toolbar options

    • boolean topbarVisible (default = true) Show/hide the top bar which contains the month's title and arrows to go to previous or next months.

    • String arrowColor (format #RRGGBB of #AARRGGBB) A string color. It changes color of the top bar's arrows.

  • Calendar config

    • String firstDayOfWeek (default = 'sunday') Set the first day of the week. Should be one of [ ‘monday’, ‘tuesday’, ‘wednesday’, ‘thursday’, ‘friday’, ‘saturday’, ‘sunday’ ]

    • String minimumDate (format 'yyyy/mm/dd') Set minimum date for calendar.

    • String maximumDate (format 'yyyy/mm/dd') Set maximum date for calendar.

    • String datesSelection Set the selection mode.

      • none: you cannot select date
      • range: you can select range of dates
      • single: you can only select one date at a time
      • multiple: you can select multiple dates
    • String showOtherDates (default = 'current') Show dates from previous and current months or show dates within current month.

      • all: dates from previous and current months
      • none: show dates within current month
  • Set date

    • String currentDate (format 'yyyy/mm/dd') Set the focus of the calendar.

    • Array[String] selectedDates Set selected dates to the calendar.

    • Array[String] eventsDates Set events dates to the calendar.

  • Color customizations

    • String selectionColor (format #RRGGBB of #AARRGGBB) Set the color of the selection circle.

    • String weekendsColor (format #RRGGBB of #AARRGGBB) Set the color of the weekend.

    • String eventsColor (format #RRGGBB of #AARRGGBB) Set the color of the events.


  • onDateChange Called when user select/deselect a date. The returned data is { date: 'yyyy/mm/dd', selected: boolean }
  • onMonthChanged Called when user change a month. The returned data is {month: int}

Feel free to open an issue. Pull requests are also welcome

A lot of thanks to @prolificinteractive for their awesome Material Calendar View